This is Grandpa Major getting started with the dedication service for Jordan Christ0
pher McCallus. The service was Sunday evening, May 18, 2008. Jordan was 7 months old today. The event took place at the Pilgrim Holiness Church in Russell, NY. where Jordan's father is the pastor.

This is just a shot during the ceremony.

Here is Grandpa Major praying the dedication prayer. Notice to the right, Tina is wiping her eyes. What you can't see is that Sharon and Rachel were wiping their eyes also!

We are getting ready to sing for Jordan. For our wedding, both the boys dedications, and Jeffrey and Tina's wedding, Rachel has done words for the song, "You're Something Special", and then it has been sung. We couldn't leave Jordan's service out. He truly is something special to all of us!

This was after the service, mingling with the congregation.

Here are the proud parents with their wonderful little boy.

Here they are with the Majors.

Here is the
McCallus side.

Here are the other grandparents, the Majors!

Here we are with the little guy, ain't he a cutie!

When all was said and done, everyone went home, and Jordan zonked out! Mom and Dad both look a little tired too!