Saturday, October 22, 2011

There was a mouse in our house!

Last night we returned home from our Brushton Camp Meeting meeting and it was late. I checked my papers and facebook and blogs and decided I was very tired and headed for bed. I had just crawled in bed, decided to read a few pages of a book to relax myself. I picked up the book and underneath it was a bug, a stinkbug to be specific. I got up and grabbed a tissue, scooped up the bug and headed into the bathroom to flush it down the toilet. I lifted the seat on the toilet and jumped back startled. There was a mouse in the toilet. I am hoping this was the mouse that we have been trying to catch over the last three weeks, but I don't know for sure. Anyway, it took three flushes to get rid of the little mouse. What a way to end the day! (Forgot to take any pictures!)

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