Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Snow again!

This is our house buried under a lot of snow. Justin's girlfriend, Stacy, came to visit this weekend. My sister Chris was here for part of the weekend too. We really got dumped on with the snow. Justin and Stacy went snowboarding on Monday and they had fresh snow for that, and then we got another storm on Tuesday. I guess we are in for an old fashioned winter. As I write this the temp is at -1. It is cold.
Here is what you can see of our mailbox. We have had a lot of snow this year already. We still got several months of winter left, I don't know what we will do with it all if we get a lot more.

This is the spot where Stacy's car was sitting during the snow storm we got on New Year's Day. We got quite a bit of snow and Stacy, Justin, and I shoveled the driveway. It was a lot of work.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm glad I live in PA. The most snow we've got in about 3".

Anonymous said...

SNOW! SNOW! Looks like y'all are freezing! Happy New Year to y'all! take care. your friend in the South:-)

Anonymous said...

Hmm...hasn't little Jordan been to visit lately? :-) I've been looking for a blog "update"... I'm sure your yard looks a whole lot different since the "January thaw"! Hope all is going to all